Sunday, August 31, 2008

Contenedores 2

En un cajón de mi conciencia
escondo tu nombre
por oscuras fotograf
ías, papeles, hojas de inscripción,
entre tarros de tinta negra
y lentejuelas poquitas
-trocitas de todo
lo que yo espero

Pero a veces,
cuando estoy segura
que nadie me da cuenta,
yo le quito
y le escrito
para recordar
como le siente
entre mis manos



Inside a drawer in my awareness
I hide your name
with dark photographs,
papers, application forms,
in between jars of balck ink
and tiny sequins -
fragments of everything I hope for

But occasionally,
when I'm sure that no one's watching,
I take it out
and write it down
just to remember -
to remind myself
what it feels like in my hands


sana said...

this feeling never goes,
i love the way you put it,
lifting it from melancholy to fondly hopeful

Seema at Dresden Walks said...

I love the way this reads. It's beautiful

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